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 Equatorial Guinean
Touristic Guide

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Equatoguineanne gastronomy reveals exotism at all levels.It is compose of a variety of greenry dishes ,fishes and meat.If you want to enjoy the gastronomic


variety of the country in situ, you just go to the central market of each big town or villages where you see it expose to the public and purchasable by everyone,the different consummable products in Equatorial Guinea.The Equatoguineanne cookery is compose to principal dishes:

In this group, we can find :


Dishes prepared from Cassava
  Cassava leaf prepared with palm nuts juice ,some Corn .

Other variety of cassava dishes.

Variety of dishes prepared with Tarots.

·         Nko’ona

·         Ko’oa-Mbong

·         Apouam-mbong

·         Angomo

·         Osa’a-Mbong.

·         Abala

·         Yebe

·         Becoco

·         Sauce de tarot

Variety of dishes prepared with fishes and vegetables

·         Bocao

·         Supu Sa Jiri

·         Supu Sa Topepam.

·         Chué

·         Osa’a-Mbong.

·         Culo’o

·         Ka’a

·         Pepe-Sup.

·         Apuam-mbong

·         Angomo

.Variety of dishes prepared with groundnuts

Variety of dishes prepared with corn

·         Sauce d’arachide.

·         Akouemi’i,

·         Cacahuètes criés .

·         Osuru Mandjaga ( Made up of cassava and groundnut leaves).

·         Ebafono ( Prepared from corn and groundnut).

·         Esouc-fone

·         Ebafono.

·         Bo’omo à fone.

·         Mboue’et.



Variety of dishes prepared with Yam


There is a variety of dishes which can be prepared with a mixture of yam:(with animals, birds,fishes,custacians, clupeiformes, acauthopterygien,  perciformes  apparents,depleurenoc triformes, of perciformes, elarmobranchois, squaliformes, Crustacians of long tail, destructacians branchujonses (crabs),  cephalopodes  etc.


Fruits Diversity
In Equatorial Guinea, There exist an important variety of fruits:


·         Mango.

·         Orange

·         Engongs,

·         Ofouas

·         Nvutes.

·         Bisons.

·         Goyvas.

·        Pear.

·         Ebom.

·         Mandarins.

·         Bedja’a

·         Raisins

·         Bananas

·         Cocos.

·         Colas

·        Pineapple.

·         Onong



Hispanic dishes


·         Pescado frito y pescado a la brasa.

·         Pollo a la brasa y Pollo al ajido.

·         Tortilla española y Tortilla francesa.

·         Ensalada normal.

·         Estofado de carne.

·         Estofago de cordero.

·         Ragút de cordero.

·         Albóndigas con vinagre.

  ·         Huevo frito.

·         Ensaladilla rusa.

·         Paella valenciana.

·         Arroz cubano.

·         Sopa de fideos.

·         Sopa de lentejas.

·         Potajes.

·         Espaguetis.(*).



◄  Spanish

Extract from touristic guide. Authour: Manene Nsogo Juan


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